Canisters and funnels

Products in this category are an important part of equipment not only for cars, but also for security forces and firefighting equipment.

FUEL CANISTERS - are designed for the safe transport and storage of fuels such as petrol or diesel. Fuel canisters are made of materials that reliably resist the chemical action of fuels and at the same time prevent their unwanted leakage and contamination.
We offer fuel cans in different volumes: 5l, 10l and 20l. This allows them to be widely used not only for the car, but also for household, industrial and emergency supplies.

TRYCHTYRS - used to facilitate the pouring of liquids and fuels into vehicle tanks or canisters. Funnels are designed to minimize the risk of spillage while ensuring accurate pouring even into small container and tank caps.
Funnels are one of the important accessories for automotive equipment, but also for security forces and firefighting equipment.

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