Fire protection of houses and buildings

The category of fire protection of houses and buildings includes products that are important for the protection of lives, property in the event of a fire. The fire safety category includes a range of measures, materials, technologies and minimize the occurrence of fire, ensure its early detection and help to slow its spread.

Safety signage - a properly marked escape route is an integral part of fire safety. This signage clearly identifies escape exits, fire extinguisher locations, evacuation routes, which plays a significant role in the safe and efficient evacuation of people in the event of a fire.
Fire luxfers - Fire luxfers are required for projects where fire resistance is required. They are used where it is necessary to prevent the spread of fire and to ensure the movement and escape of persons. Therefore, it is advisable to use luxfers for escape routes to ensure safe escape without fire and smoke.
Materials for passive fire protection - Protecta - is nowadays an integral part of new buildings and renovations. Their aim is to stop or slow down the spread of fire in a building by closing and sealing openings and passages through which this spread can occur.
Inspection doors - allow quick and easy access to ducts, openings, shafts and other technical areas. The FIRE option also reduces or prevents the spread of fire and smoke.
Fire stoppers, coatings, cladding - are passive systems that prevent the spread ofspread of fire throughout the building, are one of the most important areas of fire protection. Fire seals at the boundaries of fire compartments form a major part of passive protection. Firestops prevent the spread of fire between fire compartments through penetrations between structures (cabling, piping, etc.).
Ventilation grilles - can be placed in masonry and concrete building partitions or in plasterboard structures. The grilles are certified up to 3 metres above the floor level and comply with ČSN. The fire protection grids are supplied with a view cover.
Detectors and detectors - are an invaluable guardian of your safety thanks to their instant signalling. The advantage of detectors is their easy installation, which takes only a few seconds.
Security alarms and sensors - they are used to provide early warning when people are moving in the area.
Thermometers - with an external sensor used to easily measure temperature.

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